Our Story


BeeWitchedWax can be told as many different stories, from many different people and perspectives, but here is mine.

November 8th, 2018 my families life as well as an entire community’s was turned upside down, or rather burned all around us. The 2018 CampFire changed my life and my families life around for better and worse. The worse was being displaced for 4 years, only in December of 2022 were we finally able to get a home that suited our needs for our neurodivergent and disabled household. The better was my partner and I going to college at the beginning of 2020, though it was promptly interrupted by COVID, we were both still able to graduate in 2022 with honors, 4.0 GPA’s and with 5 degrees between the two of us. The CampFire gave me a lot of perspective on the world around me and my family, which is what started me on the journey of making my own ethical Home and Body company with my family at my side. I was starting my spiritual journey in being a practicing witch and soon realized that there were not many ethical or affordable natural options when it came to candles. I wanted to change that so I paired with a local company who treats their bees with respect, dignity and partnership when it came to harvesting wax and honey and I started my journey making candles for my household and my friends. My friends, Em and Jace are the ones I credit the most out of my village for supporting me with business design, testing and the name, BeeWitchedWax. I was finally able to start this business when my son was going through a lot of medical issues and I was forced to become a stay at home parent with him while we figured everything out, sadly we are still not close to any answers. We took my lack of employment as an excuse to finally launch our website and make this a full-time career as well as using this business as a fun way to homeschool my kiddo, teaching him math, chemistry, science, care, ethics and finance. My son has helped with every single batch that is made and in our shop, he takes pride in his work and actively gets the word out to our neighbors and community, so now it’s my turn to do the online part. We hope to be a part of your healing journey as this business has been ours. Welcome to our Hive!


The wax we use here at BeeWitchedWax is 100% organic, ethically sourced and local! Here in NorCal, we raise our bees with care because we know how important they are to our Earth. We team up with a local honey company that provides us with the wax we use in our products, we have been purchasing their honey from them for multiple years so we trust in them, the bees and the wax.